Your profile says it all: It’s your resume, it’s your business card, it’s your standard cocktail party response to the question, “So what do you do?” But most importantly, it’s your first impression. And you’re trying to impress someone who can hire you and your talents, so of course it’s important to make your profile standout. Here are some tips:
- First of all, know this: Writing about yourself can be uncomfortable. That’s normal, and it shouldn’t deter you. Even professional writers who get paid to sing the praises of others get real shy and humble when it comes to singing their own. So just know that it’s normal, and it doesn’t hurt to get a second set of eyes from a trusted colleague who thinks highly of you.
- Remember that you are writing this for the reader. Make it about them as much as possible with respect to your expertise. “But wait, this profile is supposed to be about me, isn’t it?” Actually, it’s about what you can do for them! For example: “I’m a proven operations consultant with 20 years of successful experience.” Really should say something like, “I understand your needs for additional support in your business operations, and I can make you more successful in that area.”
- When you are telling the world about your experiences and areas of expertise, let the potential client know WHO they’ll be working with. This is where video can really help. Yes, it’s important to list your qualifications, but you’re looking to build a relationship here, and it doesn’t hurt to show some personality. Do you love what you do? Tell them why! The business owners who are looking to hire you are passionate about what they do. Passionate people like to know they are working with passionate people who are more than a degree and a CV.